Tag Archives: aging

35 is the new 65

35 becomes 65 when you don’t consider the process of “aging”. I refuse to believe that any of my muscles can and will hurt if I do strange things to them, or that my bones aren’t strong, or that sometimes it’s just not in my best interest to contort my body to fit tiny crevasses. What am I even talking about?

A trip to St. Lou’s City Museum City Museum aka best place ever .

Luke Bridge

*WARNING… The videos you are about to see (if you choose to click on them), loop… be prepared… it’s like a wreck, you can’t stop. Won’t stop, watching.

First, it’s awesome. Period. Love this place. I love it’s character, design, whimsical nature and the fact that you can shoot your body down a 10 story twisty slideĀ 10 Story Slide Video Made While Waiting, make a clay sculpture, climb through mosaics, swing (awkwardly) from a rope Awkward Rope Swinging Video and play in a pit of bounce balls all in one morning.

What’s the problem with THAT you might say?

It begins with the climb up the 10 stories to get to the top of the twisty slide, the military shimmy that is required to get through numerous small passages, so you don’t lose your child, and then there’s the awkward rope swing experience which requires both upper body strength and coordination (which one may argue my abilities in either of the two areas). You can choose to do none of these… but… why?

Truth? I couldn’t get my body to rise out of bed with pizazz this morning but I inched my way into an upright position to mosey toward the coffee maker for false energies. I sipped my cup of Jo thinking about the moments I spent with my boy and brother yesterday. Yes, I had to pop some Aspirin and walk a bit slower today but it was all worth it.


I hope I never remember my age and always play like I’ve lost my mind completely.

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